Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Laundry Detergent

Adapted from Why Not Sew?:

I know this isn't an edible recipe, but it is a recipe nonetheless, and I need to put it somewhere I can find it easy. I make and use this all the time and my clothes get totally clean and end up scented only from the dryer sheets I use, which I am fine with.

Combine in a LARGE pot (canning pot - $2 at D.I.):
1 bar of soap grated (any brand or scent)
1 gallon hot water

Put over medium high heat on stove top until soap dissolves

1 cup borax
1 cup washing soda
(both can be found in the laundry detergent aisle, usually on the top or bottom shelf, borax says "10 mule team BORAX" brand, washing soda is arm and hammer brand and looks like a large box of baking soda but says it is washing soda and the box may be a different color than cooking baking soda.)

Stir occasionally and allow to "cook" until everything is dissolved, then take it off the heat and immediately stir in:
1 gallon cold water

Pour into 2- 1 gallon jugs or in old liquid laundry detergent containers. This coagulates when it cools, if it gets too thick, use a knife to "stir" it and shake. Next time you make it don't cook it as long or use 1/2 bar of soap.

For an extra large load of laundry I use about 3/4 cup of detergent, although the place I found this said you can get away with 1/2 a cup per load, which is estimated to be $6.00 for 576 loads of laundry ($6 is the approx. total cost for borax, washing soda, and bars of soap.) SWEET!

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